2023 SQL2019 SSRS(Reporting Services) Test Connection Fail | How to fix provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40

2023 SQL2019 SSRS(Reporting Services) Test Connection Fail | How to fix provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40

練習過SQL2016 Reporting Services 之後,接著要換個版本的練習安裝SQL2019 Server Reporting Services;在SQL2016之後的Reporting Services就要獨立安裝。
安裝過程順練,但是在Report Server Databse中Change Database這一項Test Connection出現了Named Pipes Provider, error 40錯誤訊息,處理了一小段時間,順手紀錄一下。

Error 40錯誤訊息

無論是點選Change Database 或Change Credentials
都需要進行Test Connection

112 0927 01

Test Connection

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點選Test Connection之後得到這樣的錯誤

112 0927 03

Test Connection
Could not connect to server: A network-related or
instance-specific erro or occurred while establishing a
connection to sQL Server. The server was not found or was
not acces essible. Verify that the instar nce name is correct and
that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 – Could not open a
connection to SQL Server)

Check Status

開啟SQL Server Configuration Manater確認SQL Server Network Configuration

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netstat -nat
112 0927 06

系統中的1433 Port 沒有開啟,Test Connection難怪會有Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 的錯誤

SSRS Network IP ALL修改

開啟SQL Server Configuration Manater >SQL Server Network Configuration >TCP/IP >IP Addresses >IP ALL >TCP Port

112 0927 07

重啟SQL Server服務

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先檢查在本機上Check Port是否有啟用

netstat -nat
112 0927 09

太棒了1433port已出現,再次點選Test Connection,已經Succeeded。

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